Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cora Rose Shea-Born 7/9/2012

Cora Rose Shea

Born July 9th, 2012
9lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long
We are in Love!

                So, I know that I should be resting, but within the hour my little girl is going to be brought in to me to feed from the hospital nursery…baby… girl…ours… wow!  This whole day has truly been unreal!  

                It started really Sunday (July 8th) morning after a particular contracty (I know not a word…but those that have been through it understnd) Saturday night.  Going to backtrack a little bit; on Thursday (6th) this week my doctor had offered to induce me that very evening.   After discussing with my doctor and husband, at the time we decided against it.  Our doctor said she could never really know for sure, but she really thought I would go within a day or two anyway.  I was 3 cm dilated, 85% effaced, and baby was LOW.  I had been going through pretty constant early labor for over two weeks too…very little sleep, very stressed.  I think she saw I was done before I was ready to admit it to myself.   Anyway, on Thursday she stripped my membranes and sent me home…hopeful that it would be it in a few days…maybe within 12 to 24 hours.

Wow...I was hopeful.  Right away that evening they started coming and coming hard.   I knew they weren't it, but I felt they were so close...same as the next day, and Saturday...
 So, Sunday morning I was done...a large part of me hoped that I would go in and have the doctor just break my water, and that just be enough to get things going.  She had mentioned that may be the case.     I was nervous, and honestly somewhat regretful after I made the call (not anymore now of course), but I put a call out to my doctor Sunday afternoon.  Now, I knew she was on duty that evening through Monday evening, but I did not dream that she would be willing and ready to get things on the road that day.   I was hopeful maybe for Monday morning or later that week (my due date is July 11th, if I have not mentioned that already). 

I left a message with a nurse at Mercy and about 15 minutes my phone was ringing!   It was her!  I was about in tears…who am I was kidding?  I was crying...and so excited and relieved.    She asked if I was done.  I admitted to her, yes.   She asked me when I was ready to get this show on the road…I told her whenever she was ready... really sooner was better.   I am glad that I was sitting when she said, “why don’t you come to the hospital in a few hours, I’ll break your water, and we will see what happens.” 
Wow…not what I expected, but I was so grateful and so excited!   Yes, Steve and I had some last minute frenzied packing and messing to do with the house, maybe a small melt down or two, and we were on our way.  We were having a baby!   Now….I will admit here that we have been to Mercy ER…err a few times before.  It was so nice this time going in knowing that it was it.  Steve even grabbed our red bag and carried it in!   So final!

So, at 3:00 P.M.  Sunday, July 8th, we were admitted.   They monitored me for a good hour and found that I was close to active labor.  Maybe just a hint now over 3 cm, but my doctor was hopeful that things would progress with just the breaking of my water.   At 4:00 P.M.  my doctor came and broke my water.   Now, for 3 or 4 hours labor really started progressing fairly nicely on it's own.  Steve and I did a lot of walking.  My lovely and loved second coach, my sister Lesa Reimer, arrived within a few hours to help .   Also, the majority of these awesome pictures below are thanks to her.   We played on complete mean game of Phase 10 (which I won…ty very much!).   Things were progressing pretty nicely.  

Then at 7:00 P.M. my labor started to backtrack.  Contractions were painful, but started getting off track and going every minute and then started gapping more and more in between.   It was about 8:00 P.M. that we decided to start Pottosin , just a little.   1 drip.  It helped I needed a little more push, so after an hour they increased it by 1 more drip.  
Labor really started, active and hard, at around 10:30 P.M.   Wow…not sure what I expected, but ouch!  Trying to block out those few hours.  Those ladies that go natural, my hat is off to you!   You know, I did my best…went walking, sat in the tub, even got out the birthing ball (it was out…I don’t think I actually used it but I remember requesting it and seeing it there).  The following is the only 'in labor' picture that I allowed my husband to take of me, and I really felt like I was being generous!

 At 1:00 A.M. I was ready for this blessed thing that is called an epidural.  I still think back to those 10 minutes after receiving the epidural with so much fondness!  It was the second best thing I have ever felt (the best thing is soon to come) … or not felt in my life!    I love Epidurals!  I love the guy who gave the Epidural!   Ok..done with the Epidural…ah one more…awww Epidrual.

So, at 1:15 A.M. I received my epidural (LOVE).   They did check me right before, and I was pretty  discouraged to hear that I was only at 4 cm.    I think I was hoping for at least 6 with the torture I felt I had been going through the last few horuse, but my doctor and coaches reassured me that it was good, it was ok.    My doctor wanted me to at least try to get into good active labor, and I was there.  Now, they wanted me to try to get to sleep because tomorrow would be a long day.

So…didn’t really sleep…lol, just laid in numbness heaven.   I remember Steve was on the computer and I mentioned a few times he would try to get to sleep (Lesa was resting in another room)…but I remember I kept talking  I think it was around 2 A.M. that I voiced to Steve a concern that was creeping up on me.   I was thinking I had to poop.    For those that don’t know, when you have an epidural you can’t get up from the bed. 

Now, I know people had told me before, and I just honestly even knew beforehand that feeling the urge to have a BM is really a sign of being close, but the thought honestly didn’t cross my mind.   I was still in blessed epiduralness (love making up words).   It had only been a good hour and a half sense they had checked me last!  At 3:00 I told my husband that I was going to call my nurse. 

She came in and I told her my concern…she of course knew she had to check me.   I could hardly believe my ears when she told me, “Yup, you are 10.  Time to call the doctor.”  
Yes, I went from 4 cm dilated to 10 in under two hours.   !!!!!!

I just remember shaking….I was told that it was natural of the hormones, but I was also pretty certain I was sad about saying goodbye to the epidural hours before I thought I was going to.   Everything really happeend so fast, honestly! 

My sister was there, our parents were called, and suddenly there my doctor was there at 3:30 A.M ready to go.    In the ½ hour it took my doctor to make it to the room our little Cora went from about 4 inches away from crowning to almost 2 inches just from sitting up and doing some minor practice pushing with the nurse.  Actually, only 1 practice push with the nurse after she realized that my practice push pushed our little girl's head a good inch forward.  She was an anxious to meet us as we her. 

So…doctor was there and told me it was already time to push.   Cora was there, I was feeling all of the needed urges.   I know some people have good luck and some not very good with this during an epidural, but I felt the urge but really no pain…just a lot of pressure.   There was pain, but it was relief pain at the end.   So hard to explain, but the whole 4 pushes it took to help our little girl out into the world were the most wonderful pains/pressures I have ever felt.  I guess I started pushing at about 3:45 and at 4:01 little Miss Cora Rose made her way into the world.  That final push, the pressure, pain, and hearing that cry…well, has me bawling right now just thinking back to it.

So…now I am going to just bombard you with pictures…most which are again thank  to the coach/photographer/sister that helped me through this.   She says that she did nothing, but just having her there really helped tons!   Also, my husband was a rock star during all of this!   I really could not have asked for a more attentive and helpful person to help me through this.  

Cora is just minutes old.  Just wiped her down and doing an examination.

Cora getting weighed.  9 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches!  I still can't believe how big she is!  We were told the entire time we were measuring small.  The doctor asekd me how I was hiding her. 

Very proud daddy!  Steve can't keep his hands off her...even when it is time for her first nursing and he isn't quite ready to share :)

                                                                                 It's tough being a baby

Couldn't believe what I was holding.   I still can't stop staring at her! 

                                                                                 Steve makes her look so small! 

 A very proud grandma!  Mary Zittergruen.   She looks like she has had some practice!

Grandpa Sheryl (Zittergruen) looks like he knows what he's doing too :)

 My coach, photographer, and sister Lesa Reimer

 Trying to wake her up to eat...sleepy gal!

Another very proud Grandma, LuAnn Shea
 Also very well practiced :)

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