Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Beer and Great Food- Our first week home

So...I was extremely excited about bringing our little Cora home, but nervous.  When I left the hospital I really thought I was feeling pretty good (still on 'hospital' drugs...and walking on air), but what I didn't realize is over the next couple of days I would start feeling worse.  I don't know what I would have done the first week without my mother.  Everything hurt!  I really have the best mother in the world.  She had offered months before to stay with us the first couple of days to help out with our newborn, especially if Steve returned to work right away.  Mom stayed with us Wednesday through Friday.   She was a God send!

Grandma Mary with Cora

That first week the visitors kept coming, and it was wonderful!  The distraction was great and the food that was brought was yummy!  I didn’t realize that having a baby meant so much free food.  I bet if my husband knew that he would have gotten a break from my cooking he would have insisted on having a baby much earlier.   I have so many people to thank I don’t know where to begin. 

That first week we actually stayed pretty busy.  Cora Rose had a touch of jaundice (like 11) so that next day we had to return to the clinic to get her levels checked to make sure they were going down and her weight was ok.  I will say that Wednesday night was pretty rough.   Cora slept pretty well until 3:00 A.M., but after that feeding (I was trying to breastfeed) she just cried and fought sleep until she finally fell into an exhausted slumber on the way to the clinic at 9:30 A.M.  She had seemed so unsettled!  I again am so thankful that mom was there, because I am not sure how I would have gotten through that first night without her. 

When we got the clinic, we realized why she was so unsettled.  Her jaundice level was up to a 14.  That wasn’t a huge deal…but would require another trip to the clinic to make sure it stayed below 18.  When they weighed her Cora was down a good 7 oz from just the day before, down to 8lbs 4 oz from 9lbs 3 oz (four days before).  She was not getting enough nourishment…I wasn’t making enough milk.  No wonder she was so mad the entire night, she was so hungry!  I agreed to supplement with formula and they brought in a premade bottle and she gobbled it down.  I felt such relief and such guilt.  I knew there was no way I could know, and it wasn't my fault…but my milking machine was broken!  It was only 5 days from giving birth, so I still had a chance for the rest of my milk to come in.  So, we hoped it was just temporary.   I was also greatly relieved that there was a reason for the rough evening that Cora had…and hopefully it wouldn’t be repeated.  

So, we took her home and Cora was much more content, and exhausted…she pretty much slept the rest of that day…and the next, and the next.   The only time she would be awake is during her feedings and it was a struggle to get her awake enough to eat for those (felt like torture getting her undressed, messing with her feet and hands, and using warm and cool cloths).  She would have slept right through all of her feedings if we hadn’t done so though.   It paid off, because the next day (Friday) her jaundice level was down to 11 and her weight was up 10 oz!  Yeah!  Success!

First nap in her crib

Awake, just barely holding daddy's hand

Also, you may be wondering when beer came in to this week.   On Thursday when we got home from the hospital and I was settled in the living room, my mother brought me a beer with a straw.  I about fell out of my chair, and you would too if you knew my mother; not something you would picture her doing.  It still makes me giggle.  One of the many things she had heard (and I have heard it now too) that beer is suppose to help milk production, which sounds great to me!  

Also on Friday we meet with the lactation consultant and she gave us some great ideas to get my milk supply up.   I started an exhausting routine of breastfeeding Cora for 10 minutes per side, giving formula, and then pumping.  The whole routine if done by myself took a good hour and a half (because the 10 minutes actually took at least 30 to 45 minutes trying to keep Cora awake every couple of minutes…and the same went for the formula), but thankfully I had my mom and my husband (when he got home from work) to help.

Snuggling with mom after a feeding

So…from weighing Cora pre and post feeding at the hospital, it was determined I was producing a little under 1 oz of milk per feeding…a newborn at her weight should be getting 2.5 to 3 oz.   I was usually able to pump maybe an additional ¼ of an ounce, but every bit helped.

By the way, my milk never did fully come in.  Over two weeks later, we are still working on it.   Now, I am up to producing 2 to 3 oz and the goal is for Cora to eat 3 to 4 oz, so closer, but still using some formula. 

On Friday afternoon we had to say goodbye to Grandma as she went home.  We were sad to see her go, because her help was amazing!   It was wonderful that she gave up those days completely to come help us though.  I remember that evening after supper my husband and I put down our dishes and looked around…”Where’s Mary to take our dishes?”  LOL, no she really was wonderful.  She was upstairs helping me with Cora all day and night when needed, but when my husband got home from work she would help start supper and then disappear downstairs to give us some family time.  It was really was perfect, and again there is nothing I could do or say to thank her enough.  I am sure when mom got home she crashed!

That weekend was pretty quiet…we had more visitors, but didn’t have to leave the house Saturday or was very nice!  

We were a little nervous about introducing our little newborn to our dog, JoJo, but our fears were unfounded.  She has been wonderful with Cora...maybe a little nervous, but very gentle and curious.  

Cora in her cute American Cutie outfit...and eyes open!  

Daddy got Cora to hold her own week he says it will be potty training

Hospital Healing and Melt-Downs

Not So Two-Shea- Hospital healing and melt-downs

Little Cora with her elephant from Grandma and Grandpa Zittergruen

I was so excited and terrified to bring our little girl home.   The three days at the hospital are really kind of a blur.  The first two I was feeling physically rotten and also walking on air.  I was sooo tired, but I was on a caffeine high (and I didn’t have any coffee until Wednesday!).  I LOVED the visitors!  We really had visitors come at ideal times during the day, spaced out.  Steve told a few people they should wait to come see us at our home, and while at the time I knew he was right, I just wanted everyone to come whenever they could.   I wanted to show off our little girl!

I really had fallen in love with the ‘call nurse’ button.  We had been told multiple times to take anything we could home from the hospital (like diapers, brush, pads…) and I couldn’t quite figure out how to take the ‘call nurse’ button.  I asked Steve if I could get a bell..and he said no.  Actually, he said something a little more colorful than that, but you get the point.

I am going to backtrack a little bit to Tuesday night.  I did have a little mini melt-down Tuesday night.  You know…”What were we doing thinking we can take care of this fragile little thing?  I am not ready to go home tomorrow!  I really don’t want to break the baby!”  So, I was wandering the halls.  Cora was in the nursery that last evening and I was trying to get some rest.  I went to go see her.  While I was looking through the window a young man came wandering down the hall.  He wandered over to the window to look through.   He looked tired, and stressed, and a bit lost. 

I asked, “Which one is yours?”  He pointed to the boy on the far right.  He then told me that his little boy had arrived just that afternoon.   I congratulated him and said that his wife and he must be walking on air.   His face dropped, and so did my heart when he told me that the delivery didn’t go very well.  Their little boy was ok, but his wife had lost too much blood and was in ICU at that hospital.  It looked like she would probably be ok.  

It is hard to know what to say to someone after hearing that.  I just listened and offered my sympathy and prayers.   I can’t imagine how torn his heart was that night…elated by the birth of his first healthy son, but images of the hell and uncertainty that his wife and her health had been through.   I had remembered earlier that day something going on…the nurses had been very stressed and our check-ups had been delayed quite awhile (which we were fine with because I knew something was going on). 

So…that really was a wake-up call for me that night.  I realized how fortunate I was that everything went very well, and while I was in some pain and discomfort, it was normal and I would heal.  I would have so much help at home too.  I somehow held it together until I got back to my room and then I cried, this time for him and his wife.   Sitting here now I think about them.  Are they home?  Is she any better?   I pray that their family is together. 

I really loved our stay at Mercy Medical Center.  I am very glad that little Cora waited until after midnight on Sunday, July 8th to come meet us, because if she would have come a few hours earlier we would have been discharged on Tuesday instead of Wednesday, and I NEEDED that extra day at the hospital.  By Wednesday afternoon though, especially with my mom and sister there, I felt pretty ready.  

Both of us in our going home outfits

Steve had that Monday off (she was born 4:00 A.M. Monday morning), but went back to work on Tuesday for the rest of the week.  He could have taken more time off, but his shop was going to be closed the entirety of the next week. 

Steve visiting during work while we were at the hospital.  He forgot to bring clean clothes, so did skin to skin 

 I was very fortunate to have my mother and father with me most of the day on Tuesday and then on Wednesday my sister too. 

So, Wednesday morning came.  My mother and sister brought up lunch so I again wouldn’t have to eat the hospital food and we went through our discharge instructions and were soon on our way home.  I felt much more prepared to go home than I thought I would.  Maybe it helped that I knew I wasn’t going to be alone. 

Going home pictures 

Cora Rose Shea-Born 7/9/2012

Cora Rose Shea

Born July 9th, 2012
9lbs 3 oz and 21 inches long
We are in Love!

                So, I know that I should be resting, but within the hour my little girl is going to be brought in to me to feed from the hospital nursery…baby… girl…ours… wow!  This whole day has truly been unreal!  

                It started really Sunday (July 8th) morning after a particular contracty (I know not a word…but those that have been through it understnd) Saturday night.  Going to backtrack a little bit; on Thursday (6th) this week my doctor had offered to induce me that very evening.   After discussing with my doctor and husband, at the time we decided against it.  Our doctor said she could never really know for sure, but she really thought I would go within a day or two anyway.  I was 3 cm dilated, 85% effaced, and baby was LOW.  I had been going through pretty constant early labor for over two weeks too…very little sleep, very stressed.  I think she saw I was done before I was ready to admit it to myself.   Anyway, on Thursday she stripped my membranes and sent me home…hopeful that it would be it in a few days…maybe within 12 to 24 hours.

Wow...I was hopeful.  Right away that evening they started coming and coming hard.   I knew they weren't it, but I felt they were so close...same as the next day, and Saturday...
 So, Sunday morning I was done...a large part of me hoped that I would go in and have the doctor just break my water, and that just be enough to get things going.  She had mentioned that may be the case.     I was nervous, and honestly somewhat regretful after I made the call (not anymore now of course), but I put a call out to my doctor Sunday afternoon.  Now, I knew she was on duty that evening through Monday evening, but I did not dream that she would be willing and ready to get things on the road that day.   I was hopeful maybe for Monday morning or later that week (my due date is July 11th, if I have not mentioned that already). 

I left a message with a nurse at Mercy and about 15 minutes my phone was ringing!   It was her!  I was about in tears…who am I was kidding?  I was crying...and so excited and relieved.    She asked if I was done.  I admitted to her, yes.   She asked me when I was ready to get this show on the road…I told her whenever she was ready... really sooner was better.   I am glad that I was sitting when she said, “why don’t you come to the hospital in a few hours, I’ll break your water, and we will see what happens.” 
Wow…not what I expected, but I was so grateful and so excited!   Yes, Steve and I had some last minute frenzied packing and messing to do with the house, maybe a small melt down or two, and we were on our way.  We were having a baby!   Now….I will admit here that we have been to Mercy ER…err a few times before.  It was so nice this time going in knowing that it was it.  Steve even grabbed our red bag and carried it in!   So final!

So, at 3:00 P.M.  Sunday, July 8th, we were admitted.   They monitored me for a good hour and found that I was close to active labor.  Maybe just a hint now over 3 cm, but my doctor was hopeful that things would progress with just the breaking of my water.   At 4:00 P.M.  my doctor came and broke my water.   Now, for 3 or 4 hours labor really started progressing fairly nicely on it's own.  Steve and I did a lot of walking.  My lovely and loved second coach, my sister Lesa Reimer, arrived within a few hours to help .   Also, the majority of these awesome pictures below are thanks to her.   We played on complete mean game of Phase 10 (which I won…ty very much!).   Things were progressing pretty nicely.  

Then at 7:00 P.M. my labor started to backtrack.  Contractions were painful, but started getting off track and going every minute and then started gapping more and more in between.   It was about 8:00 P.M. that we decided to start Pottosin , just a little.   1 drip.  It helped I needed a little more push, so after an hour they increased it by 1 more drip.  
Labor really started, active and hard, at around 10:30 P.M.   Wow…not sure what I expected, but ouch!  Trying to block out those few hours.  Those ladies that go natural, my hat is off to you!   You know, I did my best…went walking, sat in the tub, even got out the birthing ball (it was out…I don’t think I actually used it but I remember requesting it and seeing it there).  The following is the only 'in labor' picture that I allowed my husband to take of me, and I really felt like I was being generous!

 At 1:00 A.M. I was ready for this blessed thing that is called an epidural.  I still think back to those 10 minutes after receiving the epidural with so much fondness!  It was the second best thing I have ever felt (the best thing is soon to come) … or not felt in my life!    I love Epidurals!  I love the guy who gave the Epidural!   Ok..done with the Epidural…ah one more…awww Epidrual.

So, at 1:15 A.M. I received my epidural (LOVE).   They did check me right before, and I was pretty  discouraged to hear that I was only at 4 cm.    I think I was hoping for at least 6 with the torture I felt I had been going through the last few horuse, but my doctor and coaches reassured me that it was good, it was ok.    My doctor wanted me to at least try to get into good active labor, and I was there.  Now, they wanted me to try to get to sleep because tomorrow would be a long day.

So…didn’t really sleep…lol, just laid in numbness heaven.   I remember Steve was on the computer and I mentioned a few times he would try to get to sleep (Lesa was resting in another room)…but I remember I kept talking  I think it was around 2 A.M. that I voiced to Steve a concern that was creeping up on me.   I was thinking I had to poop.    For those that don’t know, when you have an epidural you can’t get up from the bed. 

Now, I know people had told me before, and I just honestly even knew beforehand that feeling the urge to have a BM is really a sign of being close, but the thought honestly didn’t cross my mind.   I was still in blessed epiduralness (love making up words).   It had only been a good hour and a half sense they had checked me last!  At 3:00 I told my husband that I was going to call my nurse. 

She came in and I told her my concern…she of course knew she had to check me.   I could hardly believe my ears when she told me, “Yup, you are 10.  Time to call the doctor.”  
Yes, I went from 4 cm dilated to 10 in under two hours.   !!!!!!

I just remember shaking….I was told that it was natural of the hormones, but I was also pretty certain I was sad about saying goodbye to the epidural hours before I thought I was going to.   Everything really happeend so fast, honestly! 

My sister was there, our parents were called, and suddenly there my doctor was there at 3:30 A.M ready to go.    In the ½ hour it took my doctor to make it to the room our little Cora went from about 4 inches away from crowning to almost 2 inches just from sitting up and doing some minor practice pushing with the nurse.  Actually, only 1 practice push with the nurse after she realized that my practice push pushed our little girl's head a good inch forward.  She was an anxious to meet us as we her. 

So…doctor was there and told me it was already time to push.   Cora was there, I was feeling all of the needed urges.   I know some people have good luck and some not very good with this during an epidural, but I felt the urge but really no pain…just a lot of pressure.   There was pain, but it was relief pain at the end.   So hard to explain, but the whole 4 pushes it took to help our little girl out into the world were the most wonderful pains/pressures I have ever felt.  I guess I started pushing at about 3:45 and at 4:01 little Miss Cora Rose made her way into the world.  That final push, the pressure, pain, and hearing that cry…well, has me bawling right now just thinking back to it.

So…now I am going to just bombard you with pictures…most which are again thank  to the coach/photographer/sister that helped me through this.   She says that she did nothing, but just having her there really helped tons!   Also, my husband was a rock star during all of this!   I really could not have asked for a more attentive and helpful person to help me through this.  

Cora is just minutes old.  Just wiped her down and doing an examination.

Cora getting weighed.  9 lbs 3 oz and 21 inches!  I still can't believe how big she is!  We were told the entire time we were measuring small.  The doctor asekd me how I was hiding her. 

Very proud daddy!  Steve can't keep his hands off her...even when it is time for her first nursing and he isn't quite ready to share :)

                                                                                 It's tough being a baby

Couldn't believe what I was holding.   I still can't stop staring at her! 

                                                                                 Steve makes her look so small! 

 A very proud grandma!  Mary Zittergruen.   She looks like she has had some practice!

Grandpa Sheryl (Zittergruen) looks like he knows what he's doing too :)

 My coach, photographer, and sister Lesa Reimer

 Trying to wake her up to eat...sleepy gal!

Another very proud Grandma, LuAnn Shea
 Also very well practiced :)

Blog Renamed

Not So Two-Shea-  Blog Renamed

So, it may surprise you…but 1:00 A.M. the evening after delivering my little girl is not the most creative time to think of blog title names.  Apparently…it isn’t a good time to write an even close to error-free blog (so sorry about all the typos in the last blog…I went through and cleaned it up a few days later).   

Sitting here this morning I was trying to be a little more inventive blog title and I was thinking how things have changed.  Now, we had been warned…and even then I knew I had no idea what was coming.   I could not imagine how much in already two weeks this little lady here could turn our world upside down.   How, when before I would barely miss a morning or evening to brush my teeth, I could sit there and realize that I hadn’t showered in almost a week.   How, easily this little girl already has her daddy wrapped around her finger, and both of our hearts.

So…for over three years it was only the two of us.  We were a good team, a bit bored and too much in our routine.  Steve and I were talking last night how little we really were prepared for all of this and how at the same time how ready we were for this.  It was a long wait, but our little lady was worth waiting for. 

The title I choose is ‘Not so Two Shea,’ because we aren’t living for the two of us.  Right now our world is wrapped around this little newborn girl and we love every minute of it.  In the future, we will need to find more of a balance, make time for ourselves and friends and family.  We love our little bubble right now though.